Zen Salon
Zen Salon
Accounting & tax solutions from a small business that cares about your small business
Accounting & tax solutions from a small business that cares about your small business
Are you a hairstylist, nail technician, or massage therapist making more than $45,000? Using free online, or cheap mall tax filers to file your annual income taxes is costing you money. Zenkeep Salon is a boutique accounting firm designed to help out the salon professional save money every year on tax preparation. Sign up for our Zen Salon service for $100 off our regular price of $300 a month. As an additional bonus, we will assist you in submitting your Paycheck Protection Program loan application at half price, now only $250!
Zen Salon
Zen Salon
Subscription includes:
Xero ✓
Services include
Annual Tax Return
Monthly bank reconciliation
Up to 75 transactions/month
Dedicated team support
Email support